open mic

Welcome to the Bridge Songs Open Mic

Welcome to the Bridge Songs Open Mic

Bridge Songs began with a small group of singer-songwriters wanting to get their songs out to the community, so an open stage feels like the right way to end.

Musicians, writers, storytellers and entertainers of all skill and kind are invited. We want to give YOU the last word at Bridge Songs TEN.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.

People Will Surprise You

People Will Surprise You

I am always surprised when people are given permission. 

When we ask people to speak and we open our ears, they say the most amazing things. When we give a platform, we discover latent talents. When we listen first, we hear what we've been missing.

It's Saturday night. I am hosting at Open Mic at The Carrot Community Arts Coffeehouse. This is no ordinary open mic. There is brittle discomfort. An palpable air of sorrow. Smiles must push through tension. One of our community died last week. I imagine that when I share this news, many are hearing it for the first time.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.

Calling All Poets! Experience Poetry in Community at The Carrot

The Carrot is beginning Poetry Nights this week! If you love to string words together - or hear such a feat done by others - this is an event for you. The Carrot logoHere is the official word from The Carrot's Brendan Van Alstine ...

"Just a quick note to let you know that starting next week on June 26, and continuing on the last Thursday of every month from 7:30-9:00pm we'll be hosting a new monthly poetry night facilitated by Dahlia Ross, a published poet who has been writing for over 25 years. It's a chance for poets and poetry fans of all ages and abilities to participate and share. We will run the night in a similar fashion to our Saturday open mic, so there's no need to sign up ahead of time either.

Please feel free to come down and check it out, and feel free to pass the info on to anyone else who you think might be interested."

Do indeed - perhaps I'll see you there some time soon?

The Carrot Community Arts Coffeehouse is located at 9351 118th Ave. You can find more info at their website,

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.