
Bring your inspiration and heart to our (first ever!) Town Hall meeting, June 14

Another great season of creating art space, sacred space, and community space is fast approaching, and we need your help to continue the vision.

Artists, volunteers, patrons, community residents, social-media-followers, and Bleeding Hearts of the past, present, or future - you are all invited to this gathering at the Space on June 14 at 7 PM to brainstorm ideas, enhance our spirit energy, and enliven how we produce this upcoming season's shows.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP necessary.

Questions? Please contact Travis at

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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ArtLuck Plumbs the Depths

ArtLuck Plumbs the Depths

Our first ArtLuck of 2017 is filled with new faces alongside familiar friends. The food is delicious, conversations run deep and we are sent off with a serenade. 

ArtLuck is our every-six-weeks-or-so night of creative sharing. Show and tell for grown ups. A potluck for the eyes and ears, as well as the stomach. Creative community at its best. 

Here is a recap of our evening together on February 9, 2017. 

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.

Welcome to the Bridge Songs Open Mic

Welcome to the Bridge Songs Open Mic

Bridge Songs began with a small group of singer-songwriters wanting to get their songs out to the community, so an open stage feels like the right way to end.

Musicians, writers, storytellers and entertainers of all skill and kind are invited. We want to give YOU the last word at Bridge Songs TEN.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.

Listen to Your Soul This June

Listen to Your Soul This June

I’m Dave Von Bieker, a singer-songwriter who has learned the immeasurable value of connecting my creativity to my spirituality. I’m looking forward to focussing on both this June in the mountains, and I’d like to invite you to join me


Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.

Walls Wide Open

Walls Wide Open

It’s Thursday, October 22. The final evening for pre-submission to OPEN WALLS, our community art exhibit.

I’ll be the second volunteer on shift today. I make it on time (for those who know me well, this is impressive), but barely. I should be early. I have the keys.

I arrive to find Lisa waiting for me. She’s not alone. A line up of four artists–canvas in hand–has formed behind her. These people are excited to share their work.

I really should have gotten here early.

Banner image by Bronwyn Neufeld.



Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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Opening Our Walls to You

Opening Our Walls to You

This is the experiment. From late October to mid November, we’re not planning anything. Except a radical openness. We’re leaving our walls bare and we are trusting you to cover them with your beautiful work.


Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.

Lessons from Leaving: Proximity

Lessons from Leaving: Proximity

I tell her about a walk I remember where she and her husband confided in me and my wife about their doubts. Their open wounds. Their very human selves. I tell her it was the first time I had heard this vulnerability from older people I respected. People I viewed as impenetrable. A viel was lifted that day. If I remember right, we were literally crossing a bridge at the time. Stopped in the middle, watching water trickle over rocks below.

It is just then, as we share little stories we’ve both heard before, that the real loss hits me.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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The Reason I Write

The Reason I Write

In the then-current issue of the Rat Creek Press, I had a piece about my ’new’ hi-fi system. A wooden cabinet record player straight out of Don Draper’s appartment. I wrote about the experience of listening to records. The connections the records were building with my wife and I. With our whole family. The forced labour of getting up to flip the record and skip the skips. The intentionality of it all. The attention that listening to music once demanded. No shuffle. No stream-fed playlist.

People read that article. At least one of those readers really got what I was saying. We connected. He responded. He brought records to my house. In his words, we ‘B.S.’d a bit.’

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.

People Will Surprise You

People Will Surprise You

I am always surprised when people are given permission. 

When we ask people to speak and we open our ears, they say the most amazing things. When we give a platform, we discover latent talents. When we listen first, we hear what we've been missing.

It's Saturday night. I am hosting at Open Mic at The Carrot Community Arts Coffeehouse. This is no ordinary open mic. There is brittle discomfort. An palpable air of sorrow. Smiles must push through tension. One of our community died last week. I imagine that when I share this news, many are hearing it for the first time.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.