
The World is Still a Beautiful Place

The World is Still a Beautiful Place

I don’t live in the United States. I have no say in any US election. Here I am in a tiny restaurant several hours away from the border, desperately concerned as Donald Trump is becoming the President of the United States. 

Wednesday morning I awake to this reality. I open Facebook and head to spaces where my American friends congregate. I read their status updates of confusion and disbelief. Where words have failed, there are only exclamations. I am heavy with the sadness of friends in the States who had hoped things would go differently. I have a lot of questions

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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Love is the Why: Loving Artists Until it Hurts

Love is the Why: Loving Artists Until it Hurts

I am sitting at a table with Lorraine Mansbridge. She is briefing me for an on air spot we are about to film. She is asking me questions about Bleeding Heart Art Space and I think I am ready. But I am not. When Lorraine asks me about our name–why we chose the name Bleeding Heart Art Space–I freeze. Nevermind, she says. It’s not important. We won’t talk about that. I feel like a failure.


Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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Unpacking Why Faith Matters

Unpacking Why Faith Matters

I’m asking myself how faith affects my life. My art. The Bleeding Heart project. I’m asking myself if faith still matters, and if so, how. 

It would all be easier if it did not. At least it feels that way at times. If the Bleeding Heart were a project about "art, hope and love” rather than “art, faith, hope and love”, so many conversations would get less awkward. I feel, at least, like different doors might open. After all, we’re talking about a very old and rather unpopular Christian faith in this case. 

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.

The Gifts of Imperfection (Reflecting on Brené Brown)

The Gifts of Imperfection (Reflecting on Brené Brown)

Becoming your authentic self seems to be the work of a lifetime. Every once an a while someone comes along to speed up that process. Brené Brown researches shame, fear and vulnerability, so she has a lot to say about authentic living. That is the focus of her book, The Gifts of Imperfection

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.

Make a Neighbour Smile in 13 Minutes

Make a Neighbour Smile in 13 Minutes

So I shovel all three walks. And it takes about 13 minutes. And I leave before 9 AM on my way to the Bleeding Heart Art Space to write a new #ArtScene13 post for this weekend. Only I don’t write that post. I write this one.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.

Art, the Market and Love

Art, the Market and Love

I need to find an artist to love today. 

I need to grab an artist by the shoulders, look him in the eye and say "You are doing good work. Valuable work. Work that matters! You need to keep this up, even if the validation you think you need isn’t coming. Even if people don’t seem to get it. Even if you are not 'making it'. Yet. You need to do this work. I need it. No, really. Here, let me prove it to you."

And then I take out my wallet.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.