The Return of ArtLuck

ArtLuck is coming back this October 27. Get ready to share.

Remember show and tell? This is like that. But with food. And art. And grown-ups.

Bring a piece of art you'd like to share. It can be your art or someone else's. It can be visual art, writing, music, dance or a slice of theatre. We can watch you live or use our projector. We'll make it work so you can share what you want to share.

This is not a night of critique, though feedback is shared if you request it. This is a night to see and hear one another, and to feel seen and heard.

The food is light snack fare. Bake some cookies, slice some veggies or grab a bag of chips. All good. 

Each night can accommodate 8 sharing artists due to time constraints, so sharing slots are given on a first come, first-served basis. 

Questions? Email

See you at ArtLuck!


Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.