Five Finger Friday for July 24 Tastes So Good

Five fingers pointing you in five directions for art, faith, hope and love ‘round these here parts in the week ahead.

The Leader (Index): Taste of Edmonton

Taste of Edmonton brings the art of food to Edmonton’s discerning palates. And less discerning. There’s a bit of everything to be found in Churchill square at Canada’s largest food festival!

Then, just down the block at Centennial Plaza, you’ll find the Canadian Food Championships. This is competitive cooking, not competitive eating, so don’t go hoping to see some guy stuff a hundred hotdogs into his mouth.

Taste of Edmonton ends on Saturday, July 25, so this weekend is your last change to … well … taste it.

The Attitude (Middle): Interstellar Rodeo

Interstellar Rodeo brings St.Vincent to town this weekend, along with Joel Plaskett, Buffy St.Marie and many others. The festival, taking place at Hawerlak Park in one of the city’s most beautiful outdoor spaces, is sure to make some mid summer magic. And also by some form of magic, tickets are apparently still available.

Find out more on the event website at

The Faithful (Ring): 100 Free Things to do Unplugged

Did you know there is a National Day of UnPlugging movement in the US? It’s true. Here’s proof.

I get their emails, because even though I don’t practice unplugging nearly enough, I know it is good for my soul. This week’s a post they linked to caught my eye. It promises 100 free ‘unplugged’ things to do on a weekend. Imagine activities free from the tyrannies of commerce and technology! You might just find some spiritual growth on a weekend like that.

Find the great big list here.

The Outlier (Pinky): Von Bieker plays the Carrot

I know, self serving. This is the first solo show I, Dave Von Bieker, have played in quite some time. My goal is nothing short of the best show of my life. Maybe even yours ;)

I feel OK with this flagrant self-promotion because a few of my Bleeding Heart friends are going to be at this show, so it will be a great mid-summer reunion for the Bleeding Heart community.

Show runs 7:30 to 9:30 Friday July 24 at 9351 118th ave. This is what Von Bieker sounds like.

The Unsung Hero (Thumb): 168 Hours

If there’s one skill that can explode your creativity, it’s time management. When you cannot make time to create, you cannot create. That’s why this book has such an important message for creatives. Author Laura Vanderkam reminds us to do the math. Think of life not in 24 hour days, but 168 hour weeks. After you take away 56 hours of sleep and 40 hours of work, you’re still left with 72 hours of time. Sure at least some of that can be held onto for creative pursuits? Or at the very least, for reading this book?

Find it on Amazon or get it from the EPL, like I did.

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