Website Wednesday Shines a Light on You

Today I want to shine the spotlight on you. Or us. Since we began this journey called Website Wednesdays, many of you have jumped in and launched your own artist website. Many of you have been using Squarespace to do this. Like me. I want to show our sites off.

What I love about all of these offerings is that they put the work front and centre. We get to your website and we know all about your Most Important Thing. That’s great. 

Some of the sites below were sent to me, others I discovered with a little bit of Google magic. Each of these artist sites is built on the Squarespace platform. Every one of these sites looks elegant, professional and welcoming. 

There are other great ways to build a website of course. The options are expanding all of the time. But Squarespace is what I use, so it’s what I know and it’s what I train on and you gotta keep your world simple.

Visual Artists

Marcie Rohr

Marcie Rohr has shown in the Bleeding Heart in the past, and her new Squarespace website puts the emphasis right where it should be - on her beautiful paintings. The clean white site functions as a gallery itself.

Pam Baergen

Pam Baergen’s new Squarespace site puts her ‘shadowbox inks’ and conte and charcoal works in the spotlight. They take up the entire screen when you first visit, which is a great approach for work like Baergen’s, where close-up, detailed images reveal a bit of what it is like to see her work up close (which, by the way, you can right now in our OPEN WALLS exhibit).

Riley Tenove

Riley Tenove’s art site opens with his work organized into thematic and stylistic collections. This is a great entry point into his varied explorations. 

Justina Smith

I didn't know Justina Smith had a Squarespace site until today. She does, and it's a gooder. I love the use of 'in process' imagery in the background and the custom site logo.


The Hearts

I don’t know this band personally, but they were on the cover of VUE recently, they are local and their Squarespace site is beautiful.

Von Bieker

I use Squarespace for my own artist website. Have been for about a year now.


Serca Festival of Irish Theatre

The Serca Fest website was built by me for last year’s festival. They needed a website fast, and of course, wanted it to look good too. I think we accomplished both, just in time for the press releases.

Arts Organizations

Bleeding Heart Art Space

Yep. This site right here. The whole thing. Squarespace.

The Drawing Room

Our nearby downtown neighbours are squares, too. I really like the simplicity of what they’ve done, putting a focus on some key ‘drawings’ to communicate on their homepage.

And now, to you

Did I miss your steps on this journey? If you’ve launched an artist website in the past year with Squarespace, please share it in the comments below. I’ll take a look and add it to the list right here ...

Tamara Cartwright

Thanks for sharing your site with us on Google+ Tamara! Great paintings on display here on this site built using another online tool, Weebly.


Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.