
Here are 13 arts links for a Friday. If you would like your arts event added to next week’s 13, simply tweet with the #ArtScene13 hashtag, or email dave@bleedingheartartspace.com.

  1. Want to share your creative idea with over 700 of Edmonton’s finest? Applications are open to present at the next Pecha Kucha Night. You get 20 slides, images only, to accompany your talk on a creative idea. To get the details, click here.
  2. Storm the Perfict is a new podcast from The Bleeding Heart Art Space, and it’s available on iTunes now, right here.
  3. If there’s anything I can do to convince you to join me in Santa Fe this summer for the Glen Workshop, let me know. They say “a week can change a life” and I agree. I’ll be taking songwriting with Over the Rhine again this year, but there are many other options, from poetry to film to food! This is one investment in your artistic soul that you will NOT forget. Scholarships are available!
  4. Speaking of artistic-soul-investments, you really need to get Image Journal. We have copies in the Bleeding Heart Library, but you’ll want your own subscription before long. Good news is, with this link right here, you can subscribe for %60 off!
  5. Nicole Gallelis painted Carousel, a new mural on the artistically-appointed Borden Park, right in my neighbourhood. Hear Gallelis talk about the new work alongside artist Lynn Malin at La Citie Francophone on February 11. You’ll find more information on the artist talk here.
  6. Here is a gem from the GoodReads art quote of the day;

    Break a vase, and the love that reassembles the fragments is stronger than that love which took its symmetry for granted when it was whole. 

    Derek Walcott

  7. Last night I walked along the High Level Bridge as it glowed green, thanks to Light the Bridge. Want to be part of the Light the Bridge project? "The Light the Bridge transitory public art competition is open to professional Artists residing in the greater Edmonton region” - you can get information on this public art competing from Edmonton Arts Council here.
  8. Perhaps your artistic goals are smaller than a municipal public art piece, or perhaps they are larger. Either way, a plan to acheive those goals goes a long way. Trello is a tool I use every day for planning, and this article shows you how Trello can help you reach those 2015 goals.
  9. Of course, I’d love for you to reach for those goals along with me and a community of local learners, as we embark on the Learn Your Art Challenge. What could you learn this year? Sign up today!
  10. If creative community is your thing, you just need to try an ArtLuck. Here’s how ours went last week at the Bleeding Heart Art Space.
  11. We’ll also build on our creative community with Bridge Songs: PERFICT, our multi-disciplinary arts event. The first Call for Submissions, for your ‘perfict’ song, is coming due on January 31. Send your song in today and be part of the album and performance (or give your musical friends a hearty nudge!)
  12. Bridge Songs alumni Rueben Anderson is about to release his own CD at the Artery on February 20. Get the deets on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/events/532984976839665/.
  13. Tis’ the season for amazing ice sculptures! Be sure to visit Whyte Ave between now and February 1 to catch the Ice On Whyte Festival.

That’s 13 for this Friday. Remember to use the hashtag #ArtScene13 between now and next Friday to be part of the action!

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