September Check-In: Grow Your Art Challenge

It's time again for a check in. Some real-deal accountability for our 2014 Grow Your Art Challenge.

Summer was nice. The sunshine brought a lovely bit of relaxation, but the leaves are turning friends. That means our year-long project is nearly 75% done. That means just 3 more months until we gather to celebrate our accomplishments (even our incomplete ones).

I don't say all of this to scare you. I say all of this to scare me.

I'll fill you in on my progress below, but let's just say I need this accountability at least as much as any of you. This is that time in the project where things seem a bit impossible. Rocky is down and bloody on the mat. Things are looking bleak.

But then ...

But then the crowd chants, slow at first and then louder. Raucous. Roaring. 'Rocky! Rocky!'

Then hope rises. 

I'm looking for the hope of the crowd today friends. Maybe you are too. We can do this thing. I'm not licked yet. 

Please check in below by answering these four questions;

  1. What have you made for the Challenge since last check-in (which was actually June)?
  2. Is there something you can show us?
  3. What is the biggest challenge you are facing now?
  4. How can we help you move forward?

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.