The Bleeding Heart Manifesto

Art speaks. Stop and listen. Open yourself to questions, conversations and connections. Engage. Wrestle. Create in response to creation. Invite surprise and awe. Seek out beauty and wonder. Simple can be sacred. Laugh and eat and make and play. Learn from children. Open doors and include people. Find beauty in their story. Accept their failures; we are all bleeding. Forgive and be forgiven. Love is powerful, so risk it. Love in the face of fear. Love the wrong people. Seek; you find what you look for. Truth, beauty and redemption are just down the street so know your neighbourhood. Love local. Walk often. Say hi and make eye contact. Shop your streets. Gather together. Make a meal, take a class and tend your garden. Serve. You have a song so sing it well. Never settle. Find the freedom in discipline. Refine your craft. Learn and teach. Give and ask for excellence, then give and ask for grace.

Keep listening.